How Not To Fail On Twitter: great info from Social Media 101!


Liz Jenkins

Thanks to Julie Roads on Twitter (@writingroads), and Ron Miller (@Ron_Miller), here’s some tips on twitter.  I know twitter has been a hot topic here on the Rain and, while I happen to love it, I know it’s not for everyone.  Many of the comments I hear have to do with questions of what to tweet about or the benefit or what if I screw it up.  Julie Roads has several other twitter “how-to’s” along with other Social Media info on her blog Social Media 101.

I’ve copied and pasted the post, but here’s the original link:

Julie & Ron have great information on this site, much of which is applicable for people in any field who want to use social media for business and networking.  Here’s their recent foray into the twitter arena – and very good info as well for those who have dipped a toe into the twitter stream and are being buffeted about:

“It’s surprisingly easy to fail on Twitter. If you don’t want to make any good contacts, grow your business nor create a solid network, all you have to do is:

  1. Set up auto-DMs that are impersonal and contain spammy links. For example:  ‘Thanks for the follow! Like to know how to get 200+ targeted followers every day and make money? http://blah.blah.’ These are particularly bad if they arrive after you’ve had a real conversation on Twitter with the person you’re following. The Fix: Don’t use auto-DMs. Send a message when you have something personal to say. Be human.
  2. Only tweet about yourself. Here are some doozies: ‘I’m really hungry.’ or ‘Why isn’t anyone responding back to me?’ or ‘Read my post!’ (five times in a row). The Fix: 80-90% of your tweets should offer value and information to others either by @replying to someone in your network, sharing links to good sites or articles or retweeting (RT) someone else’s valuable information.
  3. Harass people. Someone recently followed me and when I went to see their Twitter updates, they were all @replies to different people that said, ‘Follow me back so I can DM (direct message) you.’ I didn’t follow her, and I received one of those @replies within 30 minutes. Bullying people into following you or talking to you isn’t the best technique. The Fix: Create a valuable dialogue based on a fellow Twitterer’s recent tweets or bio and follow the other steps here so that people are naturally inclined to follow you.
  4. Stalk people. When you’re new to Twitter and you’re only following a few people, even 50 people, it’s easy to watch and listen to their every move. It’s tempting to reply to every one of their tweets. However, they’re likely following a lot of people and having conversations with a lot of people…and think that your incessant responding is stalker-like (and annoying). The Fix: Follow more people so your Twitter stream is varied and hold your tongue…save those @replies for something really juicy or important.
  5. Hit us hard in your bio. Promise money, business or immortality. And make it really cheesy and over the top. It’s a sure fire way to get blocked by other folks on Twitter. The Fix: Create a Twitter bio that talks about who you are and what you’re interested in. Sound like a person, not a snake oil salesman. “

As I said – this is from Julie Roads and Ron Miller from – check them out!