Top Reasons to Declutter Before You Move!


Liz Jenkins

decluttered dining room

Moving soon? Getting your home ready for sale? Too much clutter?

Moving can be one of the most stressful parts of life, and often we get focused on the bigger parts of the picture, or those parts that are more exciting such as house hunting or thinking about redecorating.

But one of the most important parts of this process, in my humble yet experienced opinion, is decluttering.

Decluttering is one of the most important things you can do when getting ready to move. Why?

  1. Less to move!
    Save money and time when packing as you won’t have as much to deal with. Fewer boxes, less packing and cheaper moving expenses.
  2. Clear your space!
    A decluttered space looks so much better to prospective buyers. Buyers want to see your space, not your stuff.
  3. Unpack with ease!
    Don’t unpack a bunch of stuff that was clutter in your current house. If it wasn’t used in your current home, will you use it in the next?
  4. Lighten the (mental) load!
    Clutter weighs you down and causes anxiety and stress. Get rid of as much as you can so you can move forward with ease.
  5. See what you have!
    The less you have, the more you can actually see what you need. It’s hard to find the good stuff when it is surrounded by clutter.

Wouldn’t it be nice to shed all of that stuff that has been building up in your home? When we live in any space for a period of time, clutter can build up unless we are mindful and vigilant about letting go of things we don’t really need. Decluttering before you move means that when you unpack in your new home, each thing that you pull out of a box is something you are happy to see. No more wondering why on earth you packed it in the first place!

Make the effort and take the time to declutter before you move. A Fresh Space can make your move easier, so don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you need it!

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