Storage Spaces To Look For When House Hunting

Storage spaces to look for when house hunting! Let’s talk storage spaces when house hunting! I can’t tell you how many times we go to unpack a client in their new home and there’s nowhere to store half of their things. This can often mean people have too much stuff but there are basic items […]

80 Easy Things To Declutter For A Move: A Room By Room Guide

professional organized living space staged for Realtor

Declutter for a Move: A Room by Room Guide Decluttering for a move can be challenging but sometimes making a game of it by hitting the low hanging fruit first can really get you in the mood. Check out our top 80 things you can toss now whether you are moving or not! You officially […]

Your Guide For Downsizing To A Senior Living Community

senior researching downsizing and move concierge services

Downsizing into a luxury retirement community marks a significant lifestyle shift. Embracing this change with thoughtful planning and organization can make the transition smoother and more enjoyable. Here are our top tips for seniors navigating the downsizing process into their new, more compact living space.
As a luxury move concierge company with experienced professional organizers, we specialize in making this process stress free and seamless.

Your Guide To Moving With Pets

moving with pets dog in car

Everyone on our team here at a fresh space loves animals of all kinds so when it’s time to move, we want to make sure that our clients know the best way to prepare for moving with pets! Much of it is planning ahead so when the time comes, moving with pets is smooth and easy for both you and for them! Grab our Moving With Pets Checklist at the bottom of the post!

The Ultimate Guide to Moving Logistics

Moving Logistics Nashville Tennesse

When it comes to moving, there are so many logistics to consider and details to think through. From pets to where to stay and the travel from one destination to the next, we’ve done the hard work creating a complete checklist. Should I stay in my home during an unpack? Determine whether or not you […]

How to Unpack after a Move (+ a Checklist)

How to Unpack after a Move (+a Checklist)_Featured

When we moved to Nashville in 2005, I hadn’t yet started my journey as a professional organizer so while I was naturally organized, I sure didn’t have the knowledge I have today after 18 years of helping people move, unpack, and be organized! I’ll be honest, it was a bit of a hot mess looking […]

The Holidays Are Here

organized ornaments in container store red ornament box

Are you the type of person who likes to take down your Holiday decorations the moment the festivities are over, or do you find that by Easter you’re hanging plastic eggs on your still standing Christmas tree? Either way, we can help!