To Facebook or Not To Facebook . . . That Is The Question.


Liz Jenkins

I’ve been invited to join Facebook about a dozen times over the last few weeks. “Friend” me, they say. Some actually are friends, some are business acquaintances, some relatives. I keep wondering – do I give myself a “face” or not.

At this point, I’m thinking not. My friend, Angela, keeps asking why not so I really had to think, well why not. Can’t be that hard – seems like everyone is on it. Then I started thinking, well, there’s one more thing I have to keep up with and do I really want to.

I’ve got Active Rain for real estate stuff, LinkedIn for business stuff, and my own blog for my company stuff. I’ve got everyone I need to talk to on my Outlook, photos go to Snapfish, and I can send out business announcements through Constant Contact. I just don’t think I want to have one more site I have to keep tabs on. Plus, do I really want my pictures and whereabouts out there and have to divulge my personal thoughts where they will be on display, permanently? I know, I can make them private or only for a select few. But then, what’s the point? I can communicate with those “select few” when I want to – it’s part of being a friend so I’d better make the effort or I won’t have any friends. And do I really want people from my past stalking me, as has happened recently to a good friend of mine. A guy from high school keeps trying to “friend” her and no matter how many times she ignores him – he just doesn’t get the hint. More stress than I need, I’m thinking.

I may change my mind but for now I think I don’t need one more thing going on that I have to maintain. Unless anyone can convince me it’s SO worthwhile, I think I’ll pass for now.