3 simple tips to having a better day

The times I’m late & frazzled are the times when I think I can get so much more done than I have time for. Just one more load of wash, one more email, tweet an oh so witty observation, run just one quick errand before I have to be somewhere.
How To Organize Your Chickens…Guest Post for Deb Lee @ Organize To Revitalize

Deb Lee, of Organize To Revitalize, has been fascinated by the fact that I have chickens, so when she needed a guest poster – guess who she emailed? Yes, me! Getting chickens was part of a lifestyle choice for our family and one of the best decisions we made but it took some serious thought and some serious organizing to make it happen.
Applying Dave Ramsey to your task list . . .

I was chatting with Landon Loveall yesterday when we were doing an interview for his new referral network, 30Referrals (see the interview here), and the conversation turned to how many of my small business clients have multiple, ongoing projects that can get overwhelming.
Priority Setting: FREE Special Report!
Having trouble setting your priorities and getting things done? Get this FREE special report and use the 40+ tips from experts around the country (including me!). I was asked recently to participate in a “round up” of Professional Organizing experts to come up with one favorite tip for setting priorities. Stephanie Calahan of Calahan Solutions […]
What’s important to YOU is what you should do . . .
I don’t send holiday cards. I don’t send birthday cards. Nor do I send cards for any occasion other than when I want to communicate via a personal note. This is because I don’t really care if I receive cards, and because I suck at remembering dates like birthdays (forgot my husband’s birthday last year […]
feeling out of sorts
My husband recently took a new position with a great company called Conservation Services Group. They do home energy audits and other energy related things, and recently took a contract with TVA to work with local energy companies. This is all great – we’ve closed his inspection company and he’s full time with CSG now. […]
To Facebook or Not To Facebook . . . That Is The Question.
I’ve been invited to join Facebook about a dozen times over the last few weeks. “Friend” me, they say. Some actually are friends, some are business acquaintances, some relatives. I keep wondering – do I give myself a “face” or not. At this point, I’m thinking not. My friend, Angela, keeps asking why not so […]
bizarre happenings at the dog park and you just never really know who people are, do you?
I go to the dog park 3 or 4 times a week keep our 2 year old lab busy and occupied so I can actually get some work done in my home office. She usually perks up around 3:45 because she knows our daughter gets home on the bus and there’s a really good chance […]
having a goal in mind . . .
I met with a woman recently who wanted me to look at her office to give her an idea of what it would take to get it “organized”. It was a lot of the usual stuff I see – boxes of papers, overflowing desk, drawers full of unused items, etc. She said she felt overwhelmed […]
tis the season . . .
for shopping, baking, wrapping, traveling, hosting, consuming, and more and more and more. Give some thought this holiday season to what will happen to all of the stuff after the holidays, and your level of enjoyment while doing all that many of us feel needs to be done at this time of year. If decorating […]