being organized is a good thing… but sometimes you can have too much of a good thing!


Liz Jenkins

I’m a very organized person – just ask anyone who knows me. It’s in my blood, I guess. I’m always straightening, labeling, putting things in bins, etc. But sometimes, I just get out of control – I mean it – hold me back . . .

When I got my new laptop, it had Vista. At the time I was using Neat Receipts, which is a fabulous portable scanner that files receipts, documents, etc. and also can convert them to pdf and a whole bunch of other great features. When I got my new laptop, Neat Receipts didn’t quite have the upgrade so I put it away for a while. Now they’ve got the Vista upgrade and I went to install it and start using my Neat Receipts again. Now, keep in mind that this is really embarrassing for me to write about but I COULDN’T FIND THE CABLE. Found the Neat Receipts scanner, got the download but the cable was nowhere to be found.

So where could it be, I wondered. Not in my drawer where I normally keep cables I use. Not in the closet where I store office stuff. I hunted everywhere. Now keep in mind that my house is only 1100 square feet. There are only so many places it could be. I wondered if I had accidentally disposed of it on Freecycle when I was doing a purge recently. Oh crap, that would suck.

I gave up for a while and figured I’d have to buy a new one when I went to my office supply closet to get some more paper for the printer. Out of the corner of my eye, I spied a black box and all of a sudden the light came on (not the actual light, mind you, but the one in my head that had been on dim apparently). It was my cable storage box from Kangaroom Storage! With trepidation, I opened up the box – and there was my cable! Not only was the cable neatly labeled (with my label maker) but the section that it was carefully wrapped and placed in was also neatly labeled. I mean, come on, how could I not remember this? But there it was – just waiting for me. Sheesh.

So the moral of this story is – organizing is great but the ultimate goal is to be able to find what you need when you need it. I’d say I failed on this one – had all good intentions but when it came down to it – it just shouldn’t take 3 weeks to find something!

PS If you want to purchase a Neat Receipts scanner – just let me know – I can order one for you and drop ship it directly to your house with no shipping cost! I love mine and my clients do as well.