Top organizing tips for a road trip

road trip

Planning on a road trip? If you’ve got a road trip in your future, our top tips for an organized road trip can make your next road trip simple and stress free! These tips are pretty specific to our type of road trip – meaning we generally stay at an Air BnB and are pretty […]

Organized College Packing (& A List)

blue ikea bag for college packing

Get Organized For College Packing Getting organized when packing for college, especially as a freshman, can be a challenge especially if it’s your first one heading off to school. As a professional organizer, when I sent my only child off to college, of course I did research and made lists and learned quite a bit […]

Storage Spaces To Look For When House Hunting

Storage spaces to look for when house hunting! Let’s talk storage spaces when house hunting! I can’t tell you how many times we go to unpack a client in their new home and there’s nowhere to store half of their things. This can often mean people have too much stuff but there are basic items […]

How To Organize Your Pantry

professional organizer organizing pantry

How to organize your pantry… One of the most frequent requests we have from our organizing clients is the pantry. This is probably the hardest working space in a home and one of the most challenging to keep organized because multiple people are using it and it holds all. the. things. Benefits of an organized […]

Going Green: How To Get Organized For An Eco Friendly Life

glass jar from The Good Fill to get organized for an eco friendly life

Going green isn’t always easy…but it is worth it especially if you get organized for an eco-friendly life Some of the challenges when moving to an eco friendly lifestyle are identifying the products to use, remembering to replenish items that may not be easily available at a retail store, figuring out how and where to […]

Pros & Cons of Decanting: Decanting 101

spices in decanters

Nearly every time we organize a kitchen or pantry, the conversation comes up about decanting things like baking, dry goods, spices, cereal, etc. There are definitely pros and cons so read on to see what the professional think!

80 Easy Things To Declutter For A Move: A Room By Room Guide

professional organized living space staged for Realtor

Declutter for a Move: A Room by Room Guide Decluttering for a move can be challenging but sometimes making a game of it by hitting the low hanging fruit first can really get you in the mood. Check out our top 80 things you can toss now whether you are moving or not! You officially […]

Organizing A Closet With ROYGBIV

rainbow organized kids closet

Recently we organized a clients closet and I had an email from her wondering if we had photos of it when we were done (we did!) and if I could guide her a bit on how to color code it as we had done when we wrapped it up (we could!). As I sent the email, I realized she’s not the only one curious about it. So this post is about organizing a closet using ROYGBIV.

Get The Most Out Of Professional Organizing By Being A Great Organizing Client

professional organizer in closet

Get the most out of professional organizing by being a great organizing client… When we work with our organizing clients, often they ask what they can do to make things more efficient or to go more smoothly. My answer is often things like getting rid of things you know you won’t want or spending down […]