Spring Refresh: A 30 Day Challenge [Pt. 4]



decluttered kitchen

We’re in our last and final week of the Spring Refresh Challenge. Over the past four weeks, we hope you tackled a few organizing projects and prepared your home for a new season. This week we’re focusing on preparing for time outside and every day systems. (Missed previous weeks? Check out week 1, week 2 or week 3 here.)

Day 25: Focus on outdoor spaces

With the start of the spring and summer season, we’ll spend more time outdoors. This is a great time to deep clean and tidy the screen porch and/or patio (we just did ours this last weekend and it feels great). Blow off the dead leaves, plant some flowers and add ferns to your pots at the front door, wash your patio cushion covers if you ran out of time in the fall (or replace if they are super grungy), and maybe add some twinkle lights or solar powered garden lights.

Day 26: Under the sink storage (kitchen)

With awkward pipe placement and a garbage disposal, picking the right storage solutions for under the sink are absolutely essential. We recommend reserving this space for cleaning supplies and dish soap/dishwasher detergent. Refrain from placing pet food near cleaning supplies to protect your furry friends from harsh chemicals just like you would your own food. Use clear bins with a handle to serve as a trash bag dispenser and invest in stackable containers that will easily flank plumbing. Liz is a big fan of this Simple Human pull out shelf which works really well under a sink due to its low profile and washability.

Day 27: Under the sink storage (bathrooms)

Clear out your cabinets and use a handheld vacuum to clean the inside of your cabinet. Do a thorough edit – under the sink often becomes a bit of a black hole for products and the dreaded ‘stash and dash’.

We like these stackable drawers to maximize the storage space and for haircare and skincare products, use turntables to make items easily accessible. 

Day 28: For a greener world

Can a garbage system really help make a difference? Consider creating a 3 step system to reduce your environmental impact. There’s food waste/compost, recycling and trash. Check your county recycling guidelines for what you can recycle where you live and then add a bin or trash can (we use blue bags) to corral recycle items. Composting is a fantastic way to improve your garden and reduce yard waste – I love this countertop compost bin and this outdoor tumbler – we have 2 of them! Being mindful about how you dispose of things from your home, you can lessen your household’s waste and impact on the environment.

Day 29: Create a “For the house” area

Whether you are moving or not, designate an area that will always remain with the home. This may include replacement specialty light bulbs, extra hardware, paint swatches and colors for touch ups, and appliance manuals. It’s nice having all of this together and we recommend storing it in a large clear tote on an upper shelf somewhere where all that stuff isn’t cluttering up your main living space!

Day 30: Camera roll cleanout

Your iPhone alerts you that you’re running low on storage (again). We recommend backing up your photos to a cloud storage solution (Google Photo, iCloud or Dropbox) and then delete, delete, delete. Do you need the fireworks video from 2014? Probably not.

Need help with your spring cleaning and ready to outsource your organizing? Whether it’s a pantry, garage or full home, contact the team at A Fresh Space for your organizing needs.

SHOP THE POST:  Large Clear Bins | Small Acrylic Bins | TurntableCompost Bin | Garbage System