Mindful Gifts for the Holidays

soothing cup of tea in star mug on white table

I love the holiday season for so many reasons! It is magical to be able to spend time with family and friends, work slows down just a touch where I can have some time to regroup for the new year, and it’s an awesome time to take stock of what I have and what I am doing with my time.

Creativity and Organization: Why They Need to Coexist

artist in her organized art studio

What do you think of when you picture a “workspace”? Maybe it’s an office with a giant desk, a laptop, and shelves full of reference books. Maybe it’s a cubicle stocked with pencils, pens, and a stapler.

Honoring Your Space, Your Time, and Your Stuff

agenda on desk with flowers

All too often, we let things pile up as we go about our busy lives. Clutter around the house. To-do lists that never seem to end. Commitments that need to be fulfilled. Projects waiting to be completed.

Giving yourself a reality check for future projects

yarn project with knitting needles

You know, “Someday, I’ll run a 5K,” or, “Someday, I’ll go back to school and finish my master’s degree,” or “Someday, I’ll knit that shawl.” Dreaming of the future is wonderful, but are those “somedays” starting to clutter up your home, your mind, and your life?

Decision Overwhelm

new york city viewfinder

Have you ever stood in front of a project you want to complete—organizing a room in your home, perhaps—and not known where to start? Maybe you stared at the room for a long time, became overwhelmed at the thought of trying to tidy it up, and then you just shut the door and walked away, feeling defeated and frustrated.

The Power of Simplicity

simple and light kitchen

With all the buzz surrounding minimalism and simple living these days, it’s easy to believe that living simply is as easy as making a few quick decisions and clearing out the clutter in your life in a matter of days.

It’s Ok to Say No

woman happy on a balcony at sunset

Sometimes I sit down to write something, and then find that someone else can do it better. Such was the case this week, when I wanted to share some thoughts on the importance of saying “no.”