Pros & Cons of Decanting: Decanting 101

spices in decanters

Nearly every time we organize a kitchen or pantry, the conversation comes up about decanting things like baking, dry goods, spices, cereal, etc. There are definitely pros and cons so read on to see what the professional think!

Organizing A Closet With ROYGBIV

rainbow organized kids closet

Recently we organized a clients closet and I had an email from her wondering if we had photos of it when we were done (we did!) and if I could guide her a bit on how to color code it as we had done when we wrapped it up (we could!). As I sent the email, I realized she’s not the only one curious about it. So this post is about organizing a closet using ROYGBIV.

Get The Most Out Of Professional Organizing By Being A Great Organizing Client

professional organizer in closet

Get the most out of professional organizing by being a great organizing client… When we work with our organizing clients, often they ask what they can do to make things more efficient or to go more smoothly. My answer is often things like getting rid of things you know you won’t want or spending down […]

Getting Organized While Social Distancing

Social distancing? let’s get organized! Stuck at home during this very strange time of social distancing? Check out these bite size projects you can do while you are trying to figure out your new normal!

Garage Organizing: Tips For An Amazing Garage

Spring Garage Organization

Garage organization tips for spring Garage Organization can be beautiful and functional! Thinking about getting your garage organized this year? The garage is usually the last place people think about having organized but honestly,

The Key to finding Clarity and Focus When You’re Feeling Stuck

Recently, for some reason, I found myself feeling in a bit of a rut. Kind of lost my spark and was having trouble focusing on getting things done. My husband laughs at me because he says that even on my really bad days, I’m still more productive than most people on their best.

refresh 2020 – 5 day challenge

Don’t let another year go by wishing you were organized or you just had your papers under control or living with a terrible closet. Start out the new year feeling like you can conquer the world!

Making Space for Rest in 2020

resting by reading near the ocean

The holidays have passed, and a new year is here. If we follow tradition (and cultural norms), now is the time of year when we set new goals for ourselves, and start working toward them.