
Cost Of Disorganization

Excellent post I just read on the Cost Of Disorganization by Tara at Clockwork Professional Organizing out of Vancouver, BC. No matter how much I try to write good posts

organizing kids artwork & papers . . .

My daughter is prolific when it comes to creating artwork and I’ve designed her room to reflect that. I talk to my clients about creating zones in a kids bedroom

Club Organize: This Weekend!

Club Organize is this weekend and we’ve been working like fiends getting this event in fabulous shape for everyone involved. We’ve got vendors, classes, seminars, door prizes, lunch and more.


I’m fairly decent on a computer – can hold my own with the average squirrel – but for some reason, never even thought about actually having a way for people

Scaling Down: Living Large In A Smaller Space

Just read this book by Judi Culbertson and Marj Decker.  Excellent.  As a professional organizer, I applaud everything in this book, and as someone who lives in a 1945 house

Escape From Cubicle Nation

Anyone who knows me knows that I love marketing and social economics. And I’d love to write really intelligently and concisely on this exact subject. But then there’s someone else

Club Organize and other teaching stuff . . .

The NAPO Nashville board met this morning to review our upcoming Club Organize. The event takes place on March 13th & 14th at Christ United Methodist Church in Franklin. This