
clothing at a thrift shop

Sell or Donate? Decisions, decisions…

You finally got around to cleaning out your attic storage, and you discovered some old furniture you think might have some value. You spent a weekend editing your wardrobe, and now you’re looking to make some money back on those designer pieces that still have tags attached.

new york city viewfinder

Decision Overwhelm

Have you ever stood in front of a project you want to complete—organizing a room in your home, perhaps—and not known where to start? Maybe you stared at the room for a long time, became overwhelmed at the thought of trying to tidy it up, and then you just shut the door and walked away, feeling defeated and frustrated.

simple and light kitchen

The Power of Simplicity

With all the buzz surrounding minimalism and simple living these days, it’s easy to believe that living simply is as easy as making a few quick decisions and clearing out the clutter in your life in a matter of days.

woman happy on a balcony at sunset

It’s Ok to Say No

Sometimes I sit down to write something, and then find that someone else can do it better. Such was the case this week, when I wanted to share some thoughts on the importance of saying “no.”

family on a pier at sunset

Minimalism and Parenting

Minimalism is more than just a trend or fad—it’s a lifestyle. It’s one that many parents have adopted not only for themselves, but as a way of raising their children.

sun shining through trees

Move Yourself Forward With Self-Grace

Have you ever found yourself feeling stuck? Maybe there’s something in your life that you want to fix or improve, but you don’t know how or where to even begin.

woman window shopping

Is Shopping Getting in Your Way?

In our commercialized society, shopping has become so much more than just purchasing the things we need to survive. For many of us, it’s a means of entertainment, and the “thrill of the hunt” keeps us coming back for more.

yarn and knitted items on a blanket

Sunk Costs

How many times have you walked past that juicer in your pantry, letting out a heavy sigh and thinking to yourself, “I’ll get around to using that one of these days!”