
Do you have too many shoes? Maybe….

Can you ever have too many shoes (or here in Nashville, too many boots)? That depends. As a Professional Organizer I almost feel obligated to encourage paring down and letting go. But, honestly, I love shoes.

An Organized Transition Into Summer…

By setting aside a little extra time now with help from some of the tips below, you can achieve a fresh space to enjoy all  summer. If your goals are to have more leisure time, hang out with family and friends, and feel productive without all of the strings attached, then this is for you! 

Moving in together? Read this first!

Getting married? Moving in together? Combining two households into one? This is for you! I had a recent twitter query regarding organizing tips for a soon-to-be-married couple and tweeted back that there was way more information I could share than in a few tweets.

Summer is coming…are you ready?

With all of the structure and activities during the school year, having weeks upon weeks looming upon you can be intimidating. But don’t stress! Use these tips to help make transitioning to summer just a bit easier.

Back to School

It’s time for Back To School: Get organized now for a great year!

Back to school organizing is not really what you may want to think about in July but in our neck of the woods, school starts at the beginning of August so if we don’t get our act together now, the first day will sneak up on us and we will be frantically shopping at Target at midnight buying binders and Sharpies!

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New Organizer Training! Thursday, April 4 2013

What: A day long training and hands on organizing session to not only help out a great organization by getting their new kitchens organized but a terrific way to get some hands on experience or simply share your skills.